Monday, May 16, 2011


So this is my blog.  I'll be writing about things that are of particular interests to me.  These topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Computer software and technology
  • Software design and programming
  • Video games (Mostly PC, but I don't really discriminate)
  • Comics(Web and otherwise)
  • Cartoons of all sorts
And whatever else strikes my fancy.  I don't have too many controversial opinions, and I don't really shoot other people's opinions down, unless there is some core, fundamental disagreement that chills me to my bone.  So if someone wants to comment on my posts, please feel free to, I doubt it will start any kind of flame war.   I plan on updating this at least once every 2 or 3 days, or whenever something important comes up.  So yeah, looking forward to starting my first blog!


  1. Awesome, looking forward to your posts

  2. All your topics are relevant to my interest. Looking forward to reading more. South park and Archer are my favorite cartoons

  3. I have a feeling I'm going to like your blog, I may not be a computer programmer, but readin about that stuff interests me.

  4. @Zealot: I need to catch up on the latest seasons of SP and Archer. DANGER ZONE!!!

    @Plixx: QC is awesome.

  5. Sounds great cant wit for some posts!

  6. cool stuff man, looking forwards to more

  7. @James: Yeah, it will be mostly PC video games, though I don't discriminate.

  8. I look forward to reading your posts!
    +Follow, my friend.

  9. Well, YOU are welcome to blogger! hope you enjoy the experience.

  10. Can't wait, welcome to blogger!

  11. good luck with your blog

    I'll be following
