Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Comic Series Recommendation: The Walking Dead

I am a huge fan of zombies.  If you haven't noticed my post last Friday, I am keen follower of any and all things related to zombies.  That being said, not everything zombie is good.  I have been witness to countless books, movies, and comics that shamefully represent the zombie genre.  Shit can get really bad.  Luckily, there are certain series out there that shine amongst the dark mass of terrible media.  One of these series is The Walking Dead.

This series is incredible.  The art style is in black and white, something that is rare for comics these days.  Tells the tale of a sheriff who falls comatose after a shootout, only to awaken in a world overridden with the dead.  There is no shortage of blood and gore, and the zombies themselves are of the classic slow variety.  What this series does so well that few others can replicate is the character interaction.  Illustrated in every issue are the struggles that the remaining humans have to overcome to survive, and the huge physical, emotional, psychological toll it has on those who are trying to live through the apocalypse.  There was a show that recently came out based on the series, which is also very good.  There are a few divergences here and there, but the overall tone is the same.  I'd recommend the show as well, but not over the comic series first.


  1. great series! the last few chapters have been intense....

  2. i really wanted to watch this tv series, then missed it all, i might pick these up.

  3. I've seen a couple episodes of the show. Makes me really interested in the comic.

  4. And now the CDC recognizes zombie attacks, AWESOME!

  5. comics are great, I've never read this one though

  6. I guess I'll have to read this. I was deciding if I should or not. Now I got to

  7. The tv series was okay, may give these comics a try

  8. Started to watch the show, then a friend told me to get the comics. Best choice ever.

  9. i remember this reading a while. its great!

  10. I'll have to check this out, Love these kinda comics.
